Community and Family Engagement
The Growing Healthy Minds, Bodies, and Communities program emphasizes family and community engagement, as we know that family involvement and community engagement have notable impacts on children’s school readiness and overall well-being. We have adopted a collaborative family and community engagement model that incorporates the voices of all stakeholders — schools, communities, and families — in program development. This inclusive dialogue not only respects participant insights but also leads to more sustainable solutions. These integrated efforts enable GHMBC to address critical issues more effectively, ensuring that our approach to family engagement and early childhood education is both innovative and rooted in the real-world contexts of the communities we serve. Our current family engagement programs are shown in the pictures below and include fall and spring at-home family meal kits, summer resource activity bags, and fall and spring family engagement nights.
*Note: For more information about GHMBC family engagement events, please email us at growinghealthymbc@gmail.com